Our School Uniform
Grey skirt / pinafore / trousers
Navy blue V necked jumper
Sky blue shirt
Grey tights or socks
Black shoes
School tie blue, white & navy stripe
Available from O’Sullivans Mens Shop, Mullingar and the school office.
Uniform items are generic and can be purchased from any store that sells uniforms.
The school crest is also available in the school office and can be purchased separately - € 6
On warm days, navy sports shorts may be worn
School tracksuit:
School tracksuit: generic navy sweatshirt and navy sweatpants
crest for the school tracksuit may be purchased from the Office
Sky blue polo shirt
- If you child cannot tie laces, please ensure that their runners have velcro straps
Uniform must be worn every day except on swimming day and P.E. day
when the school tracksuit must be worn.
Please ensure all uniforms, coats and other personal belongings are clearly labelled.