About our Student Council
Our Student Council was set up in 2023 in order to give the students a voice. Our current Student Council is made up of 6 children – (1st Class), (2nd Class), (3rd Class), (4th Class), (5th Class) and (6th Class).Democracy and democratic values are a core part of what Coralstown NS stands for. This means that all members of a school community are supported and encouraged to make meaningful contributions to decision-making. A Student Council is a representative structure for students, through which they can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and the students.
The Role of the Student Council in Coralstown NS
The role of the Student Council is to:
Provide an opportunity for pupils to voice their opinions and offer suggestions in relation to many aspects of school life.
Offer an opportunity for all pupils to voice their opinions on proposed changes and thereby play a very significant role in improving our school.
Act as a channel of communication within the school organisation, between pupils and between home and school.
Encourage pupils to organise events in Coralstown NS and to represent the school in a positive way during these events.
The Election Process
The aim of the Student Council at primary level is to provide students with greater involvement in the decision making procedures of their school and to help them learn about how democracy works. In June, one child from each class is elected by secret ballot and they are appointed as representatives for their class to the council for the duration of the next school year. Infant classes tend to be represented by the 1st Class child who was elected when they were in Senior Infants. The children run campaigns asking their fellow students to vote for them ahead of the election and this creates a great buzz around our school.
Student Council Meetings
Members meet once every 3 weeks at 2:15pm in the Staff Room. Council Meetings are facilitated by Mrs Fox. Prior to these meetings, the Student Council representatives collect ideas and suggestions from all classes, for the agenda. Also, Mrs. Fox may put forward topics to be discussed or upcoming events which need to be deliberated about at the meetings. Suggestions are then discussed, prioritised and are brought to the attention of the school’s principal and to staff meetings.Topics that may come under discussion at Student Council meetings may include; school rules, behaviour and discipline, health and safety, homework, friendship, well-being, lunchtime games and activities, school uniform, fundraising and whole-school events.
What Have the Student Council Achieved So Far?
In Coralstown NS the Student Council have been responsible for a number of positive changes in our school, such as 6th Class/Junior Infant Buddy System, being actively involved in our whole school ‘Well-being’ strategy, organising a free book swap for World Book Week and implementing the wearing of shorts on hot days as part of the school uniform. They have also been successful in implementing ‘fun days’ throughout the school such as Pyjama Day, Crazy Hair Day, World Book Dress Up Day and Jersey Day.